
Sep 23, 2008 09:39

I'm frustrated with the internet. I've never been a member of a political party. I have a few strong feelings about a few issues and I usually vote based on those issues. Well, I was curious what party I would fall under. So I searched. I got so many myspacy stupid quizzes that don't give real answers. I finally found a quiz that asked questions about real issues that I have opinions on then they want my address, cell phone number and to sign up for one of their affiliates specials while the compile my answers. FUCK YOU INTERNET>

I know most of you will disagree with how I feel about some issues, so I don't really want to argue about them. Any ideas on where I can take a test, see a list of bullet points each party stands for? I can't listen to any wishy washy speeches. I want real answers that I can browse.
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