You Have Magical Boobs!
Your boobs have a total hyponotic effect on men
Forget what the rest of you looks like, you're a perfect ten
Your breasts are perky, shapely, and just the right size
You'll use them to your advantage, if you're wise
What's Good About Your Boobs? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Your Group Sex Fantasy Is... A Threesome With Your Best Friend
You're game to try a threesome, but it's going to be a big deal for you
That's why you want your best friend there. You've got to have someone you trust.
You've thought about what might happen (of course it will be hot!), and what will change
No matter what, you know you're best friend won't steal your sweetie
Which lets you relax and focus on the more important parts of a threesome
What's Your Group Sex Fantasy? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva