Sep 26, 2004 19:51

"I was a sheep who got lost one day"-Mr Casey

Damn i watched the tightest movie of all time. Well maybe not but still due it was hard. It was sad but damn it so tight. Man on Fire is fuhhhh hard. Its sad and its a deep movie i think i saw more than what was on the tv screen. Its simple really. When the movie first started i knew the kind of person mr casey was. A man who had a bad heart. He didnt care about anything. A man who's heart had been broken frequently. A smart man but behind every brilliant man there lies a monster for real due. Once ur heart is broken u live life with hate. You are afraid to trust. You live life for no purpose but ur own. Everyone around u barely exists. To get close to them u wouldnt want to because getting attached will make for something worse. In the end it would hurt. So when you do open up to that one person and you learn to love is when this person finds revival and realizes what he or she is here for. For a reason. It can be another persons love or love for something else. This is what releases them from their past. They learn to trust again life is great. They now know there purpose but when that Love is taken away is when it goes beyond heart break. Its acceptance, knowing that nothing lasts forever, betrayal and everything that comes with life is to be accepted not avoided because when your heart has been broken that thing or person that made you love again is the person or thing that can change your life. Because you were afraid but you opened up and you showed some trust. And the difference between LOVE and LUST clarifies as TRUST...........-mizzike piecesssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!! yeaaaa
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