I'm alive. Barely.
Back at school for 6 days of class. Already I have 18 papers to read, two essays due next week and a lab journal to finish. Apparently taking two fourth-year courses in third year is a bad call; next time, someone REALLY needs to tell me this first. I have 10 hours of labs tomorrow (3 are statistics, and I am so thankful that's the last lab @ 6-9) and an hour of lecture.
My roommate came home last night from an extended vacation and declared her intent to move out at the end of the year. I only have one roommate. Now I have to organize myself some housing for next year, and all of my friends are settled into homes already that they intend to stay in for the remainder of their school careers here. I am incapable of handling a large house of strangers, or even a large house in general.
And I found out today that another friend from my village was killed in a snowmobiling accident yesterday. The guy, a year older than me, had 2 DUIs in the last year and lost his license, so he and some buddies got loaded for bear and took the sleds out on the roads. Unfortunately, in a battle of physics between his (helmeted) head and a mailbox... well, he lost. And I can't go home for any of the services, or even go to be with other people who knew him because A) I can't leave class for even a DAY and B) no one is closer than Kitchener/Waterloo anyways.
In good news, I did manage to survive the dreaded exams and do even better than I thought. Actually, well enough to pull off a Western 3.9 GPA for the semester! AND I got a 90 on the final for the hell course, with eternal gratitude directed wholly towards
labsquint ! If I can keep this up, I might have a decent shot at getting into McGill (dream school) for graduate work in developmental bio!
In summation? World continues to rotate on its axis. The rest is details for now.