Food for thought.

Nov 09, 2004 18:56

Stolen from Courtney:

Write 10 honest statements
Intended to different people.
Never tell which one is who.

1. I'm sorry I disappointed you. I didn't think you would understand...but it's something I have to do. Please Forgive me. This month has sucked.

2. Should I really be doing this? I'm so nervous that it's not going to be what I expected. I still care for you-a lot. But everything has changed now...what's to say it's going to work out the way I wished? I was hurt by I have my doubts. Only time will tell.

3. Thank you for screwing over the next twelve years of my life. Because of your rejection-I've lost so much. I guess things happen for a reason-but your reason sux. And so do you.

4. How many times can you screw me over? We've been through so much, and you treat me like shit. Why? The ball's in your court now, I give up on you. Ive known you for 6 years, we were so close. what happened? The lies...getting stood up...for what? what have i done to you?

5. What do you honestly see in her? Yah, she's nice...but I just dont get it. I wish we could have had something...I think it would have worked. But who knows hard feelings.You are amazing. I just wish we could go back to being as close as we were before. I miss you.

6. You disgust me. You are an egotistical asshole who thinks you are God's gift to females. I don't care what happened. You had no right.

7. You were amazing. You had so much going for you, and you let it all slip away. Including our friendship. I wish I could be there for you right now, but we've shut eachother out. I miss you. I love you. Let 'er Rip.

8. Thank you for everything. For telling me the truth, when i didnt want to hear it...and consoling me when everything went wrong. You are always there to cheer me up, laugh with me, and make me smile. I don't know what I would do without you. That's why it's so hard to leave.

9. You were one of my best friends...what happened? I miss you. We've definitly gone our seperate ways. Things aren't the way they were before...but I would rather remember the good times, then be disapointed in times to come.

10. I'm sorry I was so mean. Best of luck to you in the future. I'm so proud of you. You never did anything wrong. I was just too judgemental.
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