The Weekend...

Oct 11, 2004 10:05

Hey Guys!

So it's been a while...i know u missed the updates! It's been ...interesting...around here. I miss everyone!

This past weekend I went to Blair's Homecoming with Phuson, dinner was great! We went to That's Amore in Rockville. The dance was okay...nothing too exciting, it was a lot different then PB's Homecomings. And afterwards....yah let's not talk about that.

Sunday I had an all day softball tournament for VJC at George Washington. We played three games, two against Catholic and one against GW. Unfortunatly we lost all three games...but it was our first time playing together as a team, and there were definitly some good plays. I started catching and I even thru out a girl at second who tried to steal on me...heh. that'll teach them. lol.

PT this morning was pretty good-nothing too major, a lot of lunges around the gym which killed my already-on-fire-thighs from this weekend. AND...I did more situps then i normally due in my two minute time. Go me!

Good Deed of the Day: I donated blood.

Well, wish me luck, I have my remedial eye exam tomorrow for ROTC, this determines if I get my scholarship back or not because those DODMERB Bastards took it away from me. That's $100,000 worth of scholarship that I'm missing-and yes, i did mean that many 0's.

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