The job hunt continues

May 21, 2006 21:52

I gave in yet another job application today. Hopefully they'll call me for an interview soon. I'd love to do truck receiving. I'll definitely take a morning stockers position, but much rather do something in receiving. At least there I can lift plenty of stuff off the trucks, and not have to deal with customers.

Hmmm, today I found out that JC Penny's security guards get paid like $10 an hour to start. Not sure if that's true, but if it is, I'll become a toy cop again for that. I didn't even get that much an hour when I worked for Argenbright Security Inc. Perhaps I'll look into it.

If all else fails, I will work at Staples with Royce under the supervision of King Koopa. xD

Weight training has been going well lately. Let's see how long I can keep my motivation for. Now that I'm more interested in competing for the future, I think my motivation will stay. Unless the anxiety/panic attacks rear its ugly head towards me again.

I've been listening to a lot of Survivor lately. I've always loved Survivor. I mean, Survivor was pretty much the first specific band that I started listening to when I was a kid. So they hold a special place in my memories. I've been listening to them more often lately. Man, they have such motivational music, with great lyrics. The Rocky movies had hit Survivor songs. It's like the perfect music for movies like Rocky. Speaking of Rocky, man I've been listening to "No Easy Way Out" from Rocky 4 a lot over and over lately. I've loved that song for a long time, but lately I've loved it even more. Robert Tepper is awesome. He may have not had many songs out, but what he did release is awesome. His music is similar to Survivor's, so that's why I like it so much.

Anyway, went to the Verizon store today. I found out that I don't have to wait until September to get a new cell phone. Well, technically I do, but if I get another line for $9.99 a month, I can get a new cell phone with that line. Then wait 24 hours, and transfer my number to that new phone, and the new number to my old phone. This works out, because my brother needs another phone, since he's had a trac phone for a while, and it's burning madd units. So I will then give him mine, since he doesn't really care what type of cell he has.

And the new cell phone I will be getting, is the V which Royce has. Seriously, I so want that phone. I need to get it asap, because it seems every time I talk on the cell I have right now, I get slight headaches, tinnitus, and just a general crappy feeling in my head. I don't even talk on the cell for that long, nor often, but it still happens. Ever since I did research on cell phones and electromagnetic exposure, this started happening. So the symptoms are probably in my imagination, but I can't control it. So it's time to get a cell phone with a speaker phone, so the symptoms don't happen anymore.

I don't have the money for a V right now, but I'll be selling my project mustang very soon. My parents will probably spot me the money to get the V until the car gets sold and then I'll pay them back, unless it gets sold before then.

Anyway, I might go trim my hair right now. Hurrah for more electromagnetic exposure from the electric razor. lolz
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