So- we're going to war with Iran. Just thought you ought to know. It's not official yet, but if you have any doubt, do a google news search for the word Iran. The Bush administration either hasn't learned from last time, or they're hoping we haven't. During the time post 9/11 we invaded Afganistan with very good reason and ousted the Taliban, the first step in restoring freedom and safety in the Nation. Then, half-way through the war, before the country was back on it's feet, Dubya started going on tv, talking about Iraq, and how the weapons used in Afganistan had COME from Iraq, how there were terrorists in Iraq fostering unstability in Afganistan. There was "no doubt". So we pulled the troops out of Afganistan, and invaded Iraq. Now, in 2007,
Bush is giving speeches about the Iranian insurgency in Iraq, and the weapons they supply, and the terrorism they're fostering. Here's a great part...
"Mr. Bush said Wednesday that whether or not it can be proven that the Iranian government was directly involved, the fact remains that the weapons are in Iraq and are killing Americans, and that he, the president, is "going to do something about it." A more pointed question, whether the administration was getting the same kind of faulty intelligence about Iran that it got during the "weapons of mass destruction" debate in Iraq - and whether the intelligence was being manipulated as a "pretext to war" - was also dismissed by the president as missing the point."
Ladies and Gentlemen, the President of the United States of America. Just when we saw the light at the end of the tunnel, it's going to get much worse my friends, not for our parents, nor the legislators, but us, the 18-35 year olds. May God have mercy on us. We're no longer talking Vietnam, we're talking WWIII, Nuclear Holocaust. How did we come to this?
And now for something completely different: (Thought I'd end on a light note)
Alcoholic Dairy Products, who'd have thought?
Probably Russ, eventually... I mean, nobody else would dare to dream of caffinated toilet paper.
Man promises to stop jogging naked on behalf of his fellow park users- will 'miss liberating feeling'.
Now taking bets for how long until Hardaway goes into treatment or rehab or whaterver.