today is in fact

May 01, 2006 10:39

SHITEH! Last night and yesterday I was a little frustrated with Russ, partially because of PMS I'm sure, but also because he has spent the whole weekend drinking and hanging out with David, but had no interest in spending any time on our only day off together. Basically- I went out Friday and asked if he'd pick me up since I was worried about driving, but when I called an hour later he'd gone to bed instead. So I had to go and wait until I could drive to get home- only to have Russ want to get up early to do "stuff" around 10am even though I didn't get home till around 3am. Saturday I worked and picked Russ up from work and it wasn't bad, except he was like, dictating what we did "Ok, time for bed" like I was a child, so we crashed on our couch with me watching a movie REALLY low so as not to disturb him. Sunday morning he did the whole "get up and time to go" thing again without really consulting me. Since I wanted to work on my homework for most of the day before Dixie's party, I had expected to DO THAT. But first we went to a family friend's house so Russ could work on their computer, and then he was like "You have to drop me at UNR" which I did, and then I expected (since he had said he'd be there till about 7 or so) to do many good hours of work. Instead I'd barely been home 1.5 hours when he called me to get him again. Then we had some errands we had to run and then when we get home, he leaves again this time for his parents's house, theoretically to work on their computer and do addresses for our Grad Invites. Well his parents got a new computer so he decides that instead of doing the carpool thing, or coming home he will just go to David's house, with Dixie's gift in the car. So I went alone to the Chocolate bar in the Mustang, sans gift. Then on the way home, at 10pm, I call Russ and can't get an answer, despite the fact that he's been gone since about 5pm.

More to come

SO Ranty RANTY    Basically I get home, and finally get Russ on the phone and he's like, "Oh, I'll be home after I have one more drink"  so I just start to work on my paper when the damned kitten knocks over the plant AGAIN but this time the speaker goes with it... so I have to stop working and spray him over and over again, and then whip out the vacuum to clean up after him.  Then Russ came home and helpfully whined about the speaker, and then watched me vacuum.  I was just not in a happy mood because of the whole situation, so I just worked on my homework.  I asked Russ if he could get me the oil out of the trunk for the Mustang because it's low, and he said yes, and then we finally went to bed.  Fastforward to 6:15 and we get up so I can finish my homework.  I work until about 7:45am then go to print and the damned printer will NOT print at all, first from my computer then from Russ'.  So I change the ink- and the 'new' ink cartidge is expired and exploded...  So I have to go fetch a new cartridge and I miss Italian which REALLY pisses me off of course, and I miss my shower.  Finally there is printing- and I go outside to put the oil in my car, and it is nowhere... I have to go buy some, and it feels like I should do it urgently, because my poor car is running VERY poorly right now.  AND I need gas... and I'm just all around grumpy.  SO I missed one class, and was late to another and was just all around whiney this weekend.  I don't know.  I had very little sleep so I'm on the brink of exhaustion right now....

AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT- IT is damned beautiful outside.  I have 19 whopping days until commencement.  And I think I did well on my Horsemanship exam.   And I did get my paper turned in... Today is my Daddy's 55th Birthday.  =)  I miss being a little girl again.

badness, school, mustang, weather, rant, birthday!, russ

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