Mar 25, 2021 18:42
22 October 2010 to 25 March 2021. Over 10 years. My life is so impossibly different than what it was whence last I posted to this journal. The *world* is so impossibly different. It's too much to attempt to sum up without the assistance of Billy Joel, so I'll leave that for another time. Theoretically this journal is more for me than anyone else, and in the end, I know how these past 10 years have progressed, because I lived them. I have preserved my past entries, and even the past bio I created for my own growth; for posterity.
I have reclaimed this medium as a way to take the next step in my personal growth. Not shying away from looking at my past, or my past self, and to embrace the idea of loving who I was on the journey to becoming who I am, in hopes of who I can be. So, if you're reading this now, or in whatever future is coming; Hello. It's nice to see you. I'm still Becca.
my life,