
May 24, 2009 09:47

I don't know why my twitter widget is no longer updating my LJ, that's rather irritating. BOOOOOOOO on you.

Lots of insanity going on. Got laid off from Forma, but got my old job back at the gym the same night. So once again I am grossly underemployed! Hooray! :-P Trying to stay positive, I'm going to meet with my recruiter sometime this week  to see how I'm doing and hopefully accelerate my entrance in the Air Force.  Yep. Six months on and I still want to go so, there's that. Russ is camping for Memorial Day and playing paintball, but I work, so I'm at home taking care of two dogs who now BOTH have diarreah for some reason.  My life is all boredom and shit right now, but it's ok. I have the intenets to keep me company, and good friends to make me laugh.  

my life, work, air force, bad news, camping, dogs, russ

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