Fic: The Science of Circumvention

Dec 04, 2010 03:55

Title: The Science of Circumvention
Words: ~3,500
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sherlock, John; Lestrade cameo. John/Sherlock, if you squint, but it's not necessarily intended.
Disclaimer: Roses are red, violets are blue, I no own so you no sue!
Summary: It's been two weeks since the pool, since the semtex and the gun, Westwood and a cruel cruel smile done up like barbed wire. There's a part of Sherlock that wants to forcibly delete it all, to forget this ever happened.
Warnings: Drug content, and some very disturbing images. This is also... not technically an AU, but running with the end of Great Game in a pretty ugly manner. There's another warning, that--quite frankly defeats the twist of the fic, so I'll put it here if you'd like to see (highlight the text!), but barring that, it's probably better going in blind.
character death

Enough talking - here we go!

( Sherlock grinds his teeth a lot more these days, and audibly. )

sherlock, fic, bawwwwwww

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