Aug 15, 2004 10:43
i got this as an email from my sister and im bored right now so i guess ill fill it out...
0001. What are your initials?:kbh
0002. Were you named after anyone?: yes
0003. What is your full name?: Kathrine Beveryly Hart
0004. What is/are your favorite color(s)?: blue black pink red
0005. What is your natural hair color?: brown
0006. What color are your eyes?: brown
0007. Where do you live?: westlake village
0008. How many ear piercings do you have?:2
0009. What is your height?: 5'5
0010. When did you last cry?: last night
0011. If you were making a movie about your life, what kind of a movie would it be?: mix of everthing
0012. Who are you jealous of?: some people
0013. What do you look for out of life?: excitment
0014. Why are you filling out this survey?: cuz im bored
0015. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: maybe
0016. What is your guy/girl type?: thats hard i dont know
0017. What is the sexiest thing a guy/girl can wear?:dont know
0018. What do you do to prevent anger?: um ok random ?
0019. Are you passive or aggressive?: both
0020. Who is your idol?: um....ya
0021. Who is your second family?: noone
0022. What class do you think is totally useless?: history
0023. Are you afraid of anything?: oh yeaa
0024. What is/are your nickname(s)?:kat, kate, katie, kt
0025. How much money would it take before you kissed a member (your choice) of the same sex on the lips:? i dont know
0026. What are you worried about right now?: alot of stuff
0027. Missed school because it was raining?: no
0028. What school do you go to?: agoura high
0029. Who have you known the longest of your friends?: stephanie
0030. What is your talent?: um falling down i guess
0031. Who knows all your secrets?: my sister
0032. Who was the last person you cried in front of?: i dont know
0033. When was the last time you showered?: 10 mins ago
0034. What is your computer desk made of?: wood i guess
0035. What are the last 4 numbers in your phone #?: 3304
0036. What was the last thing that you ate?: fruity pebbles
0037. What was the last thing you drank?: coke
0038. How many buddies do you have on your list?: 159
0039. How`s the weather right now?:hot i guess
0040. When`s your birthday?: june 22
0041. Who is the last person you talked to online?: yassy and marissa
0042. Who do you trust the most?: my sister
0043. Who are your 5 closest friends?: marissa, stephanie,ashley,sophia,vicky
0044. What is your astrology sign?: cancer
0045. What is your favorite clothing store?: hollister
0046. What is the last movie you saw?: collateral
0047. What is the most important thing in life?:excitment, happiness and love
0048. Ice cream flavor?: dont have one
00549. Cold drink?: pina colada
0050. Hot drink?: hot chocolate
0051. Family member?: aimee
0052. Clothing brand/store?: hollister
0053. Season?: summer
0054. Movie?: dont have one
0055. Toy as a child?: barbie
0056. Subject?:dont have one
0058. Song?: bad religion/the empire strikes first
0059. TV show?: north shore
0060. Snore?: no
0061. Cry?: yea
0062. Wear overalls?: no
0063. Think you`re strong emotionally?: sometimes
0064. Feel understood most of the time?: not really
0065. Believe in God?: sometimes
0066. Believe in magic?: no
0067. Believe in myths?: some
0068. Look like any celebrities? maybe
0069. Do you like sarcasm? umm
0070. Trust others?: some people depends on how ell i know you
0071. Like sappy love songs?: lol some
0072. Think looks matter?: sometimes im shallow
0073. Find yourself attractive?: no
0074. Think there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: no
0075. Wish on stars?: ohh yeaa
0076. Like your handwriting?: no way
0077. Sleep with any stuffed animals?: nope
0078. Write in cursive or print?: print
0079. Have glasses or braces?: glasses but havnt worn them since 6th grade
0081. Have any siblings?: a sister 1/4 brother and half brother
0082. Have a cell/beeper?: cell
0083. Cried during a flick?: ya
0084. Acted so stupid it was embarassing?: yeaa all the time
0085. Had an imaginary friend?: no
0086. Had a crush on a teacher?: no
0087. Found a cartoon character attractive?: lol no
0088. Been so drunk you blacked out?: no
0089. Gone out in public in your pajamas?: yea
0090. Owned a New Kids on the Block tape?: no
0091. Planned your week based on the TV Guide?: no
0092. Been on stage?: yea
0093. Gotten in a car accident?: yea
0094. Gotten anyone`s autograph?: oh ya
0095. Met anyone famous?: yea
0096. Cried so much for anyone?: yeaa
0097. Thought seriously about committing suicide?: mmhmm
0098. Cut yourself purposely?: no
0099. Told a secret you swore you wouldn`t tell?: no
0100. Been on radio or television?: yes
0101. Intentionally hurt another person?:no
0102. Set any body part on fire for amusement?: no
0103. Gone skinny dipping?: no
0104. Have you ever gone snorkling?: yea
0105. Cried?: yes
0106. Cut your hair?: no
0107. Worn a skirt?:ya
0108. Been mean?: prolly
0109. Been sarcastic?: yea
0110. Went out of your house?: yea
0111. Called someone?: yea
0112. Talked to someone you have a crush on?: yea
0113. Missed someone?: yea
0114. Played truth or dare?: no
0115. Watched a sunrise or sunset?: no
0116. Went to the beach?: no
0117. Me or you?: you
0118. Coke or pepsi?: pepsi
0119. Day or night?: night
0120. Aol or aim?: aol
0121. Cd or cassette?: CD
0122. Dvd or vhs?: dvd
0123. car or truck?: truck
0125. Tall or short?: either or
0126. Lunch or dinner?: dinner
0127. N*sync or Backstreet Boys?: n*sync
0128. Britney or Christina?: christina
0129. Gap or Old Navy?: old navy
0130. Lipstick or lip gloss?: lip gloss
0131. Silver or gold?: silver
0132. Alcohol or weed?: alcohol
0133. Lefty or righty?: righty
0134. Thugs or preppies?: idk
0135. What is the one thing you would change about your past?: my aunt dying and moving away.
0136. What is the biggest mistake you`ve made in your life?: im all about mistakes
0137. Last thing you heard?: my mom nagging
0138. Last thing you saw?: the comp screen
0139. Last thing you said?: hey
0140. Who is the last person you saw?: my sister
0141. Who is the last person you kissed?: im not sayin
0142. Who is the last person you hugged?: my sister
0143. Who is the last person you fought with?: my dad
0144. What is the last song you heard?: los angeles is burning
0145. If in high school now, which grammar school did you graduate from?: lindero, white oak
0146. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?: yassy
0147. What are you wearing?: juicy pants and whtie shirt
0148. What are you doing?: talking on the fone
0149. Who are you talking to?: my mom
0150. What song are you listening to?: the empire strikes first
0151. Where are you?: my room
0152. Who are you in the room with?: myself
0153. Are you online?: yea
0154. How are you feeling?: bored
0155. Are you in a chatroom?: no
0156. What day is it tomorrow?: monday
0157. What are you doing tomorrow?: idk
0158. What are you going to do after this?:idk
0159. Who are you going to talk to?: idk
0160. Where are you going to go?: idk
0161. How old will you be when you graduate?: 17
0162. What do you want to be?: stunt player or pro motox or actress
0163. What is one of your dreams?: to be happy
0164. Where will you be in 25 years?: idk
0165. Do you have a crush?: yea
0166. Does he/she like you back?: idk
0167. How long have you liked him/her?: couple months
0168. Why and what do you like about him/her?: everything
0169. If you're single, why are you single?: because no1 that i wanna go out with likes me
0170. How long was your longest relationship?: idk
0171. How long was your shortest relationship?: idk
0172. Who was your first love?: rather not say
0173. What do you miss about them?: everything
0174. Have you told him/her that you like them?: yea
0175. What do you think of the person who sent this to you?: idk it was random
0176. Would you consider going out with him/her?: no
0177. Do you consider him/her a good friend?: no
0178. What would you consider to be the perfect gift?: idk
0179. Do you consider Valentine`s Day to be a main holiday?: no
0180. What celebrity could you see yourself with?: idk theres alot haha im a loser
0181. If you had to choose one person in the world right now to spend the rest of your life with, who would it be?: idk
0182. Do you think you`ve been in love yet?: i think
0183. Have you ever been hurt by someone you loved?: yea
0184. What will your kids' names be?: idk
0185. What is your sexual preference?: heterosexual
0186. Loudest?: vicky
0187. Shortest?: sophia
0188. Hated?: idk
0189. Annoying? me
0190. Bitch?: me
0191. Shy?: ashley
0192. Stupid?: sophia lol
0193. Gay/bi?: idk
0194. Funniest?: vicky
0195. Nicest?: marissa and stephanie
0196. Talented?: idk
0197. Weirdest?: me
0198. Hott?: if you know me you know who it is
0199. Horniest?: sophia lol
0200. Tallest?: stephanie
0201. Coolest?: kelly
0202. Prettiest?:eveyone
0203. Ugliest?: no one
0204. Cutest?: look at ?0198
0205. Hyper?: vicky
0206. Sweetest?: um idk
0207. Understanding?: stephanie
0208. You want this survey to stop?: i guess so but im gonna be bored wen im done with it
0209. What are you waiting for?: dont know
0211. Are you tired?: a little yea
0212. Ever want to do surveys again?: if im bored
0213. Any last words?: bye
yassy, vicky, stephanie, marissa,ryan and sophia know who the answer is to?s 204,198,165
anyways still a little depressed after yesturdays events i just completely hate him right now and never want to be around him hes an asshole what can i say and all of my friends can agree with that...