Misc Stuff that I want to do
1. Go country dancing - done
2. Send thank you notes after holidays and birthdays in 2007 (including Christmas 2006) - done
3. Attend a wedding from another culture
4. Do our taxes in February of 2007 and 2008 - done
5. Finish 50 state quarter collection - n/a
6. Organize Favorite Places so I can actually find the links that I've saved - done
7. Make my breastfeeding-friendly childcare web site - n/a
8. Buy sexy black boots - done
9. Clean out my car weekly for two months - done
10. Get a new(er) car - done
11. Make list of movies to see (American pop classics) - done
12. Start watching these movies - I'm working on them now!
13. Save $100/mo
14. Own
Skye O'Malley series of books - done
15. Decide what job to work once Dalton is in first grade - done
16. Write notes in front of all scrapbooks
17. Pay off the last of the stuff on my credit report - done
18. Finish listing all my crap on ebay - done
19. Read at least one book on
Oprah's list - done - River, Cross My Heart
20. Copy my Dad's album and put pictures in a scrapbook
21. Finish Kathy's albums - n/a
22. Find a big container to save change. Fill it. - done
Home Sweet Home
23. Spend one evening a week sitting in my backyard, enjoying the view, with a glass of wine (weather permitting).
24. Get a safe deposit box or firesafe - done
25. Paint and decorate boys' room - done for now
26. Make jam
27. Clean bathroom every other day for a month - doing it
28. Paint and decorate my bedroom - done for now
29. Make Creme Brulee
30. Take family portraits at least once a year - done
31. Grow a vegetable garden that contains ingredients for salsa
32. Grow a
sunflower house 33. Set up a place for my scrapbooking - n/a
34. Own matching drinking glasses in kitchen - done
35. Have a house with a formal dining room and a fireplace - done
36. Make a small home office space - done
37. Make baklava - I don't want to anymore
38. Make a scrapbook of places I've lived
39. Make a scrapbook of all our family Christmas ornaments
40. Do
FlyLady routines daily for 27 days - done
41. Boycott Nestle for one month - done
42. Own a boat
Health and Beauty
43. Do a handstand without falling over
44. Do the splits
45. Do a cartwheel without falling over - done
46. Learn to golf - n/a
47. Whiten my teeth - done
48. Do bellydancing DVD at least once a week for eight weeks - n/a
49. Walk 10,000 steps in one day - done
50. Fit into a size 10
51. Stay in a size 10 for three months
52. Have pretty feet - as good as it gets, and more importantly, I'm ok with it
53. Wear jewelry every day for a week - done
54. Grow my hair to the middle of my back - n/a - I like my hair at shoulder length
55. Exercise of some kind 3x/wk for one month - done
56. Then another month
57. Then another month
58. Stop picking at my cuticles
59. Get a spray-on tan
60. Get a henna tattoo - done
61. Take family to dentist every six months - done
62. Fix gap in front teeth - done
63. Tell Dan about halitosis - done
64. Wean off of happy pills
65. Have sex at least three times a week for two months - n/a
66. Try something new in bed - n/a
67. Keep a food and activity diary for one month
68. Daily vitamins for kids and mom for 27 days - done
69. Get a bike - ride it 1x/wk (not in winter) with the kids on trails near house - done
Family Blessings
70. Convince Kathy to move to a safer place - n/a
71. Adopt a child from foster care (if the opportunity presents itself) - n/a
72. Call our mothers weekly - done
73. Write to grandmothers monthly
74. Print family business cards - done
75. Write a closure letter to my Dad
76. Go to my Dad's grave - take a rubbing of it
77. Put pictures of the kids in my purse - done
78. Create a will
79. Find three crafts to do with the kids each week - this just kinda happened
Places to Be
80. See a lighthouse, up close - done
81. Ground Zero
82. Statue of Liberty
Kaleidoscope - done
Crayon Factory86. Five local wineries
87. Niagra Falls
88. Take a cruise
Self Improvement
89. Learn to use photoshop to convert photos to black and white - done
90. Develop photos within a month of uploading them
91. Get certified as an
IBCLC92. Get an article published - done
93. Learn Spanish - in progress, so I'm calling this done. I didn't have a concrete enough goal for this one
94. Re-learn French
95. Find five new friends IRL - done
96. Learn to ride a motorcycle
97. Learn to whistle - done
98. Take a cooking class
99. Take two college courses - done 3.0 GPA
100. Help Dan take two college courses - n/a
101. Take a photography class
Start Date: December 4, 2006
End Date: August 31, 2009
completed 64/101
list updated 8/31/09