PMS is no fun...and I need advice

Sep 27, 2009 19:06

I put a lock on my food cabinet today. She stole from me AGAIN. I know she's only 13, and there are way worse roommate issues, but I need my junk food fix. And she ate it!!!

Dan is refusing to even talk to me; I guess we'll be fighting all this out in court, instead of mediating even a little bit. Yay for spending more money to satisfy his pride, logic be damned.

I am having a crisis of faith (actually been in one for years, but I'm just now ready to address it), and need a good Catholic, solid on theory, to talk to. Yes, I know my best option is to go talk to the local parish priest, but I don't trust them. I trust Fr. Jim at my church, but I have specific questions to work out about the Catholic faith, and going to talk to someone at the Episcopal church just won't do in this instance. For faith matters, I also don't trust my mom. I should, but I feel that she's biased, so I don't want to talk to her about this stuff.

dan, faith

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