Round 2 - 20in20 (20 icons in 20 days - 10 themes, 5 category, 5 artist's choice)
* To participate, you must sign up.
* All icons must meet LJ standards
* Unless otherwise stated, NO animation allowed.
* All other effects are perfectly fine.
* You may not claim the same subject two rounds in a row.
* The following subjects can be claimed: Individual characters, families, episodes, seasons, and general series are all eligible for claiming. If you choose a family, your icons must feature at least two members of the family within the set. (For instance, if you choose the Summers family, your icons cannot just be of Buffy Summers. Dawn Summers and/or Joyce Summers must also be featured in the set of 20 icons.) Also, all images used must be of the claimed character. If you choose Faith from BtVS/Angel, you may not use images of Eliza Dushku as anyone other than Faith in your set of icons. If you choose a character that has appeared on multiple shows, you may use images of them from both shows. For instance, a claim of Cordelia Chase would allow you to use images of her from both BtVS and Angel.
*Claims do, of course, have to come from the usual list of eligible series: Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Dollhouse, Firefly, Roswell, Smallville, and Supernatural.
* First come, first serve.
Round 2 will start when the themes are posted on April 10th, sign ups will go until April 9th.
To sign up, comment with the following information:
LJ Username
Claim (1st Choice, 2nd Choice, Third Choice)
juliet316Victor (Character- Dollhouse)
kaotic_princez Charmed (Series)USA
longerthanwedo Fred Burkle (Character- Angel)USA
revivingophelia Dawn Summers(Character- BtVS)USA
lanapediaRuby (Character- Supernatural)
sweetrapture82 Spike (Character- BtVS/Angel)USA
sarah_jones Faith Lehane (Character- BtVS/Angel)Germany
moonshinefaerie Smallville (Series)USA
astral_angelPrue Halliwell (Character- Charmed) - Dropped
New Zealand
cherrycokerocksAngel: Season 3 - Dropped
United Kingdom
kyiziPhoebe Halliwell (Character- Charmed)Scotland
Any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible