Permission meme

Aug 06, 2006 19:09

Age: 15
Height: 5' 1
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Blonde

Medical Info: Perfectly healthy, as far as I know.

Physical traits: He's short, cute, and can pass for an elementary school student, despite being the same age as Haru. He also prefers to wear girly/girl's clothing because he "looks better in them".

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Same as all Sohmas, the curse and Akito are off limits and should be spoken about under lock if known about IC. Also, please don't mention his immediate family as it causes him inner pain and all that jazz. Sort of. Most people shouldn't know about it ICly and he does a pretty awesome job of hiding it. Any casual mention of immediate families will just get a fairly normal response about having a cute family or something.

Notes for the Psychics: Momiji has a pretty well-balanced mind for a cursed member of the Sohma family and doesn't seem to suffer from the same degree of insecurity that the other Sohmas do. Which isn't to say he has no insecurities, they're just not as intense. He doesn't tend to just sit around and emo about his inner turmoil, because as much as it may hurt him there's nothing to be done about it. He makes do with what he has. It's still a part of who he is though, so they'll probably notice that big, black ball of sadness in him.

Under his spazzy, cheerful exterior he also has a softer and sweeter side that allows him to be extremely sympathetic to others. He's also a lot more insightful than he lets on at first glance, and can be mature when the situation calls for it.

Also, he's cursed by the Zodiac Rabbit's spirit, so that's kind of abnormal and noticeable to them.

Abilities: Bunnies (probably) love him. Bunnies can communicate with him. He doesn't have control of said bunnies, but I'm sure if he asked for something nicely, they might listen?

And he can... play the violin? Yeah...

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: I don't know about shapeshifting, since that's something that affects the other Sohmas as well. It'd probably be best to ask beforehand. Bodyswaps confuse me because having the curse involved kind of complicates things. Just ask and we'll see?

Momiji has no background in fighting, so physical fights really aren't his thing. He doesn't participate in verbal fights past light-hearted teasing either. Feel free to rag on him and he'll respond with a ";__;" kind of emotion, but I'd like to keep him out of physical fights please.

Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: He probably has a cool!Souma!dodge!move that we've never seen, so feel free to try to hug him but he'll have to avoid it. And he would love hugs too D:

Maim/Murder/Death: I'd prefer he stayed intact throughout his stay at CFUD. I'm sure the Sohmas don't need to deal with the added trauma of a family member dying XD
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