Dec 04, 2003 14:53
I finally post something, but I can not take the pleasure of saying that I wrote this. There's a story behind it, it was written within my family from one member to another, that most would consider uninteresting, but I'll gladly share if you'd like to know.
How can I tell you what it is to love you,
How can I express to you this feeling,
Which comes from out of my love for you.
Is it the passion that flames and all to quickly subsides?
Or is it the inner peace I feel
That comes from a deep sense of belonging?
To belong to one another, to share,
To laugh, to live, to enjoy each other's
Most frivolous moments, and to despair
Together, the moments of sadness which
Come to us in a lifetime.
Can I express it physically?
By motions of outward endeavor,
Or can it best be conveyed
By a feeling which reaches out to you
Th penetrates your soul and breeds realization?
How inadequate we mortals are
When it comes to expressing the immortal parts of us.
We grope, search, and seek to find
The words as I am groping right now.
To say I love you as I do love you,
Can only satisfy the verbal aspect of love.
The genuine expression comes from within.
Each day from dawn to dusk, I carry you with me.
You live every moment of my life with me
Even though you are not always.
We are one
Two hearts, two minds, two bodies
Are molded as we are molded.
We are one
A union of hopes, dreams and all
The wondrous things, that make a lifetime
Time and distance, can not break this union
We have love, we are one, we belong.