what an effing day!!!

Jan 09, 2006 20:03

uh, my bed room is a retarded mess, like you would not believe. i cleaned out all ash's shit and now all my shit is everywhere!

i went to my dr. today, the first visit, he informed me that i am mildly bi polar. gave me a script and whatever. so i came home from that and never finished my room.

i've been playing with my cam printer and i'm loving it. i am still having trouble installing the camera software tho. i need a program that will let me re-size my photos so i can post away. i have good ones, cute ones, crazy ones. so i need to get this shit out. plus my memory stick is full. and there are lots more pics to take.

i talked to shayne today, i miss that little fucker. plus the sex was great! thats always a plus.

work is going to suck. but what ever it always does. i still want to quit. i'll always want to quit till i do. i really need to start looking. and stop talking about it.

the neighbors here are fucking annoying. they seriously are the loudest ppl on the planet. i'm suprised rachel cant hear there conversation from her house! i yelled at them today, i was walking out to my car. they had their slider open, and were screaming. i yelled out really loud "you have got to be the loudest ppl on the planet"!!! i said it so loud april heard me from our apt. god i crack myself up sometimes!!

well i'ma go lay down. i've had a tiring day. between 3 fillings, a closet cleaning, and a head shrinking i'm exhausted!
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