this is one of the funniest things ever!!! its me!!!!!!! hahaha

Dec 05, 2005 22:28

And, to top it off...from

A male person, typically between the ages of 20 to 35, whose lugubrial nature is firmly entrenched within a policy of excessively up-to-date fashions and self-apologetic philosophies. While it may seem that the emo boy is a sensitive and sincere archetype, most instances are typically narcissistically and oedipally motivated approval-seekers by nature who achieve catharsis with the perpetual maintenence and acknowledgement of a perfectly inoffensive facade as subconsciously and consciously constructed by the emo boy himself. The emo boy is a child of the women's rights movement through the mid-to-late twentieth century and the wrongfully antagonistic public perceptions associated with modern feminism; emo boys gather much of their inspiration from the more nihilistic aspects of 1980's rock/punk bands, typically due to it's prolifically morose tones and androgynous fashions. In other words, the emo boy is a xy chromosome-based apology for the sinful excesses of a patriarchal society, achieved chiefly through the adoption of more stereotypically feminine traits while outwardly denying identification with the more stereotypically bad male attributes and behaviours. Non-muscular, distant, quietly vain, sensitive, nice, cultured, apologetic, and intimately dark; the emo boy chooses to correlate as closely as possible to the label of 'deep' through careful censorship and grooming, rather than by way of erudition and direct illumination (which could be viewed as adversarial or condescending) even though the average emo boy displays a higher capacity for intellect than most other male fashion-identifiable cliques.
Too shy to speak to her directly, the emo boy watched the dancing object of his adoration from a darkened booth and reflected bitterly upon the futility of his love-life.

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