Pre-Christmas edition

Dec 09, 2012 10:56

New top pic, because it's wonderful! *__*

Because we need a new post and this pic is priceless :)

I'll add pics here when they come in from today's party in Chicago. Oh how I wish I could be there! Stupid work interfering with fun.

Ok, here we go! I figured I should do an lj-cut so the post will remain at least half-way functional :P

His profile *__*

Lol, naughty.

So, so pretty *__*

Umm, I got carried away. Let me know if this is killing your browsers and I'll clean this a bit :)

From FB and MM's twitter

fashion, this post needs photos, my i-phone became a tent, happy feet, olympic booty!, wtf is jared?, travel porn, off ice, sex nugget

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