A Plausible Explanation

May 03, 2011 18:55

OBAMA KILLS OSAMA (or so they say)....

I think we have a plausible explanation:

"Since Osama was killed seven years ago, this protoplasmic entity was clearly his zombie, hence the need to shoot him in the head.

Since you can never be too sure about zombies, best to dump the body in a deep ocean trench."

There you go, mystery solved!

I suspect that this whole event was yet another test by the American government to see how gullible its people are. Their Emmanuel Goldstein's chief bogeyman has served his role so it's time to achieve closure and move on to other things. The viewership ratings have plummeted and no one seemed interested for a while.

It all smells of bad fiction. Shot in the head (and not captured), dead sister's brain used for DNA comparison (only in TV shows and movies do DNA tests finish in hours) and buried at sea within 12 hours (because no country wants him and, you know, gotta respect those Islamic traditions). No pictures to speak of; just claims of a video showing a 'package' dropped in the sea. How very convenient. Gotta bury the evidence (the lack thereof) real quick, I guess.

The US has completely missed the mark with the Islamic burial thing. It's true that Muslims try to bury their dead as soon as they can, preferably before sunset in the same day. That being said, victims of road accidents, murder and other incidents usually spend some time in the morgue for their families to identify them and to clear any medical or police-related issues. Several days might pass before the body is handed over to the family for burial.

Worse, they have committed a bigger mistake by burying the alleged 'body' at sea. That's quite insensitive and shows no respect for the dead. In Islam, a dead person (or animal) shall have total respect regardless of who they were or what they did during their life. The body shouldn't not be harmed or mutilated in any way and should remain intact and be buried in the ground... not put in a casket with heavy weights and drowned in the sea.

When the US killed Saddam Hussein's two sons (Uday and Qusay) on July 22, 2003, their propaganda machine had a field day showing pictures of them. It also seems they still hadn’t learned about this Islamic tradition back in the day because the two bodies were finally buried 11 days later on August 2nd. When Saddam himself was captured, they showed him to the press and boasted about it.

When it comes to UBL/OBL, the alleged order was to go in for the kill. You can capture and torture his followers (and many other innocent people) but not the leader. No, no. Gotta do him in. It ain’t easy capturing a ghost, after all. This is a man who died several times in the past. That was even reported by the American mainstream media here, here, here and also here.

Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror?

Bin Laden is Dead... Long Live Bin Laden!

Politicians kept on repeating that Bin Laden was the man behind 9/11. The 'original' Bin Laden denied any involvement. Capturing him (which didn’t seem too hard given there were only 22 men in the hideout, not to mention the CIA says it knew about all this since August 2010) would mean having him stand in front of a court with arguments and counter arguments flying around. That would be quite troublesome. It’s interesting to see, despite claims by politicians, how no court, no intelligence agency, no law enforcement group ever did accuse UBL of orchestrating 9/11. The FBI lists the following reasons for wanting this guy:

Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.

You would think that 9/11, being the catastrophic and horrible event it was, would top the list. But no, it is just wildly speculative wording. It is easy to call anyone raising such issues 'lunatic', 'conspiracy theorist' or other derogatory terms. It is an easy way to having to answer for the claims.

In the end, these people may have more bases for their accusations than the US government whose adventurism in the Middle East and elsewhere has resulted in the death of millions; all in the name of peace and humanitarian interventions. Belligerent America, whose Predator Drones have made killing innocent civilians into a videogame and whose depleted uranium is destroying lives, has no intentions of ever stopping. When it comes to terrorism, the US is the undisputed king. Even when the WMD lies were exposed, no one in the administration expressed shame or regret. Now they are stepping up the game, claiming through WikiLeaks that Iraq shipped the WMD to Syria just before the invasion. One more reason to invade one more country… peace for all! In the long run, it is a case of M.A.D.

The search now starts for a new Public Enemy Number One. Perhaps the closure of the Bin Laden chapter is a preparation for the next big thing where AL-CIA-DUH is given every reason to strike again with deadly force. Perhaps it’s just a distraction from the 'birthers' issue or just spring cleaning in anticipation for new adventures. Only time will tell. One thing for sure, everyone is set to lose, especially the American people.

Fantasy As Reality - Manufacturing the 'Death' of Bin Laden

What If Bush Did It? A Nation Celebrates What It is Told

Top Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag

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ubl, sarcasm, politics

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