Feb 08, 2009 23:14

So in the last month or so, LJ users shadowlands  and ironicshell  ; nearlyalegume  and directorratbag ; and my sister and her boyfriend have tied the knot.

It's been busy. I was even a bridesmaid! (wtf makeup?)

I am, however, convinced that all the relationships were right, which is the most important part of a wedding.

Also, each of the weddings appeared on the surface to go smoothly and please everyone, which is also nice.

GAH rich text I don't recall how to cut. Don't read the next paragraph if you are squeamish.

And two out of three couples have multiple cat-babies. So they gotta be on the right track. My sister is probably working on a real one. Which after observing about 3 days of my _other_ sister breastfeeding I am completely amazed and astounded at, since a ten foot pole would not be close enough to connect me with anything likely to impregnate me and make my nipples full of pus and bleed...anyway... NO BABIES EVER is my verdict after spending a few days with my niece. I mean there was a certain degree of cute, but cats are cuter, and have fewer responsibilities associated with them...

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