So, I mentioned earlier that I joined NaNoWriMo this year - first timer! This is my daily status thing, and I'm guessing the colors relate like a traffic light, sorta. First few days were rough; I hated all of the plot ideas I thought up in October, and winging it was far more difficult than I realized. Although I kinda like the 'ignored coffee/forest candle' visuals from that first day oh-God-just-write-something 500-word jumble, I don't think I'll keep trying with whatever vague storyline I was trying to build around it.
Instead I am working on the final chapter and continuation/sequel of an embarrassingly old fanfic that for some reason I am still working on. But I really like this story! I like the characters (especially my OCs) and I like the plot, and the idea of continuing it and exploring how the characters move forward (or don't) after the first story ordeal really intrigues me. Plus there's some subtle loose-ends that could only be further explained in a sequel. Check it out, this is the blurb I wrote for the NaNo site:
"A continuation/sequel of an old fanfic, it follows two groups of people on opposite ends of a moral question: do you be selfish or selfless on the road to personal happiness? In addition to this, they separately deal with the trauma and consequences of their paths crossing, and figuring out how to move forward from that meeting."
Doesn't make the most sense, but it's kind of interesting, yeah? Maybe, a little? I like it though. And of course the fandom is not mentioned because, again, embarrassing. But that's okay. I'd rather write it in this fandom than try to strip it from the story and start over. Plus, honestly, it doesn't quite work without it. Not really, anyway.
Word count wise, I haven't been hitting the daily 1667 words. I'm more like.... 600 average words? I did almost 2000 today though (inspired, yay!), so if I can keep that up for a few more days, I should be able to make up the difference. I'm not quite getting the quantity over quality rush that's suppose to come with NaNoWriMo, though. Although I'm not over-editing because, oh man, so many things need to be re-written or condensed, I'm still trying to keep some kind of quality-control while writing out the scenes. But for now it's kind of fun since I'm actually interested in the story I'm writing. Which is what counts, I guess. I'd definitely like to try an original fic for next year, though I don't know how I could plan it out without actually writing it at that moment. Maybe I'll just do an off-season NaNo?
Oh! And before I forget:
My R2-D2 pumpkin carving. Those little pumpkins are so cute, oh my goodness. The entire thing glows like a lantern when lit, ha ha.