Aug 29, 2004 23:15
aSalamu 'alaikoom wa Rahmat Allah
Insha Allah school starts tomorrow. Wow, i can't believe the summer just ended. Actually I can't beleive i'll be turning 21 years old soon. OMG spent over 2 decadez on this earth. It felt like it was like 2 weekz. Ya Allah, this isn't the world of permanence. Damn, u gotta be worried for your soul when you think about eternity .....
In Praise of the Last Prophet finally came in, subhan Allah it's such a beautiful CD. Now my nasheeds collection is complete. I got all my fav sami yusuf, DWA, Yusuf Islam, and Zain Bhikha songs now. I just made the ill mix. Insha Allah me and my boy khaled will be listening to the songs as we driving down northern and 347.
School is tomorrow. So listen, i'm like VP of da MSA and on top of that this is my senior year and actually it's gonna be a tough year. I'm taking some pretty tough classes in which i think its imperative for me to get really really really good grades in. Damn i'm def gonna kill myself this year. I was thinking about going back and dorming on campus ......
Just in case you wanna know, i dormed for 1.5 years, then i was an RA for 1 year and then i quit that joint and i commutted last semester. Commutting was really really good for me. I did pretty well in my classes and plus i was closer to my fam, so thas why i'm really thinking if i should dorm or not, i mean on one hand, it makes things easier like academically. I mean last semester at least 2 hours a day would be killed cuz of the commute. not to mention the tiredness, altho most of the time i would sleep in da car ( hehe i dont have a drivers license, yeah i kno i'm a loser), but then again i've wasted soooooooooooooooo much time when i dormed. I would literally do nothing until 2/3 in teh morning, but then again that was when i was an RA so maybe it would be different now ...... But then agin i would be away from my family and i really dont' wanna do that at this point, but then again i could come home some week nights and i would def be home every weekend and even when i commutted i didn't even see much of my family anyway. ugggghh, see teh dilemma? Insha Allah i guess we'll see how things turn out
Summer flew by, subhan Allah the time just goes by and then you just wake up on day in your grave and you just wished you made more tawba .... thaz da life of this world
hmm what did i do this summer? Hmmm I read After Jihad. After Jihad was really good. Very comprehensive and detailed. Taught me a lot i didn't know. Like Dr. Feldman actually goes thru several muslim countries and explains the possibility of demoracy in that country. Through this he actually gave a quick hitory of the country which was a real quick way to learn about several muslin countries.
My fave quote from the book : (something to the effect of) "Bangledesh remains the most corrupt country in the world". hahhaha I knew Bengalis were madd fishy .... hahahha get it? fishy? bengalis?? corrupt??? hehhe
i hope i didn't offend anyone. I love bengalis, one of my mentors is Bengali as well as one of my closest friends. Don't feel bad, shoot my country is like the largest exporter of opium and the country i reside in is like the largest importer of opium =)
Hmmm i also took that SOC class, alhamdulillah thats one less class standing in the way of graduation. Plus i did pretty well =D
ummmm Started a Live Journal, met some cool ppl, expressed some things that were on my mind, learned a lot, got some good support. I dunno, i guess overall good experience.
hmm can't think of anything else right now
gotta leave da house at 7:30 am to get to school
btw, check out