Hi! I'd like to invite you to complete a survey of beliefs about the world, which I'm conducting as part of my doctoral research in psychology at the University of Oregon.
I'm especially looking for people who have strong opinions about our role in the world, as citizens and as human beings. All responses are welcome.
To participate in the survey or receive more information about it, click here:
World Beliefs Survey.
This link will take you to the Qualtrics survey site, where you will read a statement of informed consent that will explain the survey and your rights as a study participant. If you decide to complete the survey, it will take you about 20 minutes to answer the questions. Your participation would be completely anonymous.
If you have any questions about the research or about your potential participation, please contact me, Laura Akers (Lakers1-at-uoregon.edu), or my advisor, Dr. Gerard Saucier (gsaucier-at-uoregon.edu). You are also welcome to post a comment on my
world_beliefs account, anonymously if you wish.
If you'd like to learn more about the purpose of the study, or its findings, I'll be sharing that information after I've finished collecting data. You can get updates either by “friending” this LiveJournal account, or by “liking” the survey on Facebook, here:
World Beliefs Survey Facebook page.
Based on the feedback of people who have completed the survey, I’d also like to add that (a) religion is not the primary focus of the survey, and (b) if you agree with only part of complex statement, then please indicate that you do not entirely agree with it.
So far, most of the people who have taken the survey are undergraduates at my university. They’re generally moderate liberals, from the United States, age 18-22. Although their input is valuable, I doubt that they represent the breadth of important perspectives and experiences that play such an important part in today’s political discussions. I am sure that members of this community could help.
Thank you very much!