Happy Eid Adha Mubarak عيد سعيد ^_^

Dec 07, 2008 16:02

Dear Broth.s & Sis.s ...

I just wanted to wish you ‘Eid Mubarak at this blessed time of the year. Insha’allah, this finds you and your loved ones in the best of Iman, health, tawfiq in your Akhira and your Dunya. May Allah(swt) accept all of your good works, and bestow upon you the rewards he has promised you in the Glorious Qur’an and on the tongue of his Messenger(saws). Amin, Amin ^_^

يا واقف بعرفات .. ويا مستجاب الدعوات .. ادعو الله لنا أن ننال الخيرات في الدنيا والآخرة .. آمين آمين
تقبل الله طاعتكم وكل عام وأنتم بخير وعساكم من عواده



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