Asalamu alaikum wa rahmat Allahi wa barakato!

Jul 26, 2008 13:44

muslimgirlsis a place where you can ask those questions regarding Islam that you don't know who else to ask, where you can talk about random issues or girly topics that are a little too embarrassing for mom, where you can share articles that you find helpful or inspirational, where you can discuss current events regarding Muslims in the world, or simply where you can meet and get to know other Muslim girls online.

Occasionally, articles will be posted regarding specific topics to help clarify things or just to serve as helpful reminders. This community was made to be a comfortable place where you can gain a better understanding of Islam as well as learn new things (did you know the Qur'an actually has weight loss tips?) while having some social fun doing so!

We have been advised to surround ourselves with company that always reminds us of Allah (S.W.T.), and as Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said, "Convey even if you know one verse of the Holy Quran." :)

Join and have fun!
Once you're accepted, all introduction posts go here!
Intro posts outside of that entry will be deleted.

Feel free to ask any community-related questions here.
*If your membership request was rejected, it's because you're a guy, sorry! :( Feel free to head on over to muslims, one of the most active and informative Islamic communities on Livejournal!