Sep 30, 2008 15:15
Well, raya is here again. Time flies so quickly. So, what will I remember about this raya? Definitely the trials of getting my wife healthy will stick with me for a while. She is still weak, but getting stronger. We've been through a hospital stay, 4 doctors, several Ustaz, traditional chinese medicine, pharmacists, tons of friends advice, EFT, and Law of Attraction. So many things over a one month period. It has brought us closer though, which is great. I'm not used to being the responsible one in the family! It has also allowed me to spend a lot more time with my kids, which is always a pleasure. Right now is the calm before the storm, the afternoon before the last buka puasa and then the takbir, salat raya, visiting the graves and visiting relatives starts. I'll also remember this feeling of losing weight, knowing that although I still need to lose 5 more kg, i've come a long way. I'll remember Izad's sleepy days in the office, yawning so loud I can hear it from my office. I'll also remember the year we just had, with the interns coming into our lives, and Yee Mun going out of our life. The future is uncertain, what type of work will we have and what the makeup of the team will be. We can only take it one step at a time, one moment at a time, believing in ourselves and knowing the future will take care of itself.
Raya is the saddest day of the year, saying goodbye to everyone fasting together, doing tarawih together, doing good deeds together. Tomorrow we split off and go our separate ways again, into our own worlds and our own trials and tests. Ramadhan comes to us like bitter medicine which we know we need but do not like, and leaves us like saying goodby to an old friend.
Well, selamat hari raya and maaf, zahir, batin