Yes! I beat The System!

Jun 16, 2008 13:09

I've been having trouble making my sims spin commitment wants. Even the Family things. Which is rather weird and also sorta kinda sucks when you're trying to let them decide for themselves... *sulks* I've been trying to interpret their other wants and fears and working around it to make it happen but with poor luck.

That is until I played Romancer Barclay the other day. I let him invite three-bolter and fellow Romancer Blair over for a date - they had a crush and were more than ready to be best friends - when they spun the want to dance with each other. One slow dance later red hearts were fluttering and mutual engagement wants spun. And locked oh-so-quickly. Yes!!!! PWND!! I was so exited I forgot to take pictures.

Later I was tricked by the system (read: was too lazy to think about what I was doing) when Barclay's brother, Money sim Brody spun the want to get married to a Rich Sim. He and Beth (Pop) kept groping each other whenever they had the chance and she kept spinning wants to befriend his female relatives (she already knew his two brothers. Yes, in the Biblical sense him marry her and not the other way around. This way she got the Married a Rich Sim memory and he didn't. Because she didn't bring enough moolah to be considered Rich even though she is. Was. Sorta... *goes off into a corner to swear at self* Bah! But they're married now and her mothers-in-law don't like her at all :/ Fun times ahead - I foresee drama and possible broken hearts. I look forward to it already - I love free will :)

At least one of them gained the memory *grumble*

I did get to throw a wedding party though, even though most of the guests preferred to pummel each other with pillows instead of watching the seremony.

The Arkinsons (groom) and the Carters (bride) have been very close this generation - Beth has been involved with Brody's two brothers and Brody's had affairs with both of her sisters - and I was mildly curious to see whether anyone would become jealous at their wedding. But no slap fests occurred and the party was a roof raiser.

This is how the newlyweds have spent their time so far, but no lullaby yet. As expected with a Pop/Money couple, probably?

romance, livelywoods, carter, arkinson, family

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