The End Is Nigh!

Aug 04, 2009 16:57

For summer holiday, that is... Vacation is officially over for me and I'm back at work. Since I'm (pretty much) the only one here I'm even more bored than I would be if I had company. I spent a week in Madrid in June with my parents where we overdosed on art (Velasquez gave me goosebumps. Caravaggio too <3), and two weeks in July mostly at home, doing useful stuff. I wish I had another week left.

Oh well.

I've also installed TS3 and I'm having fun ... sort of... I'm still exploring it, starting new 'hoods every time I open the game, fiddling around in CAS, trying to find a way to make the sims interesting, failing, starting over again, etc. We'll see, it's a nice break from the familiarity of TS2 (still having fun, just not much of a challenge anymore) but it hasn't captured me in the way TS2 did back in 2004.

And there are still 'firsts' left for me in TS2! Risky woohoo pregnancies, for example :D The family trees in my custom 'hood are pretty very complicated by now, second cousins and half-siblings everywhere. Many sims in  generation C have been pretty hesitant about getting married but that doesn't stop them from trying for babies, having unprotected sex or getting abducted. Or in the case of married Fortune sims like Cyd I'm-not-sure-I-want-children-at-all, getting cheesecaked by m-i-l Jane I-want-six-grandbabies-dammit Barber. *snrk*

The fact that Knowledge sim Coco never spun any commitment wants didn't really surprise me. She's been in a long term but casual relationship with Romancer Christopher but I was still thrilled when she tried for baby after graduation. (Until I remembered that they're also second cousins...oopsie :/ As long as the game doesn't see it as 'wrong', right? Right?)

I really wanted him to have children but I've never seen him as the 'marrying kind'... 

...but I knew he'd make a great father.

I didn't see this coming though:

Nor the fact that Chris and Coco decided to be uncareful and give "me" the first risky woohoo pregnancy ever in my game.

Daryl Daniels now has one brother and one green half-sister, born a day or so apart...XD

I have several other new green babies too. Some planned. 

Others VERY surprising.

And others just because I couldn't help myself...

All of them adorable and adored.

The kids in generation D have a lot of genetic material available to 'choose' from and seeing the different family lines (and features) coming together is still my favourite aspect of the game. I have quite a few interesting mixes (Douglas Daniels inheriting his great-great grandmother's light blue eyes made me squeal quite a bit) but I guess that those details are only interesting to...well, me :P Heh!

The 'personality' of the 'hood has changed after the rebuild though - the first two generations born in game were dominated by Aries - neat, ougoing and serious - while the D generation is a playful, messy and slightly more shy bunch. 

Oh, and active too.

It's always fun to invited and/or teleport them over for Saturday kid parties (thanks, Jenn ;). And it'll be even more fun with teens! I don't have that many teens yet - only 6, I think - but already the oldest four are leaving for Uni after this rotation. It took awhile before they understood how to, you know, be real teenagers but once they figured out how they worked fast.

Yep, four first kisses at the same party. And yes, it was a roof raiser :P

livelywoods, kids, family, teens

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