This shouldn't have happened. Not yet...

Aug 30, 2008 15:52

...but I was tempted and didn't really think and now - well, now it's too late. So, what is the cause of this dilemma? Ripp Grunt and his slutty, slutty ways, of course! Fittingly enough he has a LTW to woohoo 20 different sims and I have every intention of giving him what he wants. 'Cause he's a cutie and I have a soft spot for him (yeah, I blame strange_tomato ). I also blame her for my total Ripp+Ophelia crush, but since Ophelia is Family and might just object to having a boyfriend who sleeps around, I've kept them romantically apart.

They didn't seemed to have any problems with this arrangement and they all behaved very well. At least as well as can be expected for a Romancer...but at least he kept his hands off Ophelia.

(Except for that one time when they had just moved into a dorm and Ophelia's first free will action was this: 

Yes, there was some squealing on my part. (Great transition outfit btw, Ripp *snicker* Tank didn't do too badly either.) Anyway, this didn't result in any heart sprouts from either of them (even though they were best friends) so when Johnny minutes later flirted with Ophelia and they fell in love again, that sealed the deal.)

Yes, all was well - until I shrubbed Ripp and Ophelia (and some others) over for an end-of-term party at the Student Housing where Aldric, Almeric, Klara, William and Blossom lives.

Um, yeah. We have sims in love here... *sigh* This shouldn't have happened. Even though I sort of knew it would. (Best friends + ACR? Come on!) Silly me. I was tempted to quit without saving but that meant I would have to play the semester at the Student housing again. I really don't want them to be together (just yet) so I have to either
a) lower their relationship enough to make them fall out of love or
b) use SimPE to edit their relationship.
We'll see. It would've been easier if I had kept them apart a bit longer.

Ripp: I can't have Phi? 
Me: Ehm, no...not yet. Sorry sweetie.

Maybe we can find something else to keep you occupied? You have been good at it so far.

(When did he befriend Juliette anyway? Not that it's at all difficult - just ask Matthew Hart:

They met just three simhours or so before this... You were right once again, Jenn ;)

fraternity, smith, romance, nigmos, capp, student housing, grunt

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