Muskrat Jamboree Raffle! ...and donations.

Jan 24, 2011 08:47

The Muskrat Jamboree 2011 con comm is pleased to announce the return of the MJ Charity Raffle, once again benefiting Doctors Without Borders/Médecins sans Frontières, a non-profit and neutral organization dedicated to providing free medical care to impoverished or war-torn regions. MSF provides independent, impartial assistance to those most in need. 100% of the proceeds from the raffle will go to MSF. In 2009 our attendees donated $1,060 to MSF.

The raffle will be run much as it was during MJ 2009. Tickets for the raffle will be on sale throughout the con. For those of you who weren't at MJ 09, more detailed information will follow about the logistics of the raffle. This is the This is the shamelessly begging for donations post!

We have some cool items already lined up for donation, but we're not above asking for more! So if you are interested in donating a fannish item for the raffle, please contact me at

We would be truly grateful for any of the items that you might donate, but we are asking that you consider a few guidelines:

First, since this is a raffle, rather than an auction, we're hoping to get items that will appeal to the greatest number of participants. Many of our attendees will be traveling to the con, so please keep the items as portable as possible. Also, we're asking for items that are either new, or like new.

For example! We would love to raffle off a new set of books, or a crocheted scarf, or a DVD, however, your homemade mix tapes or your old laserjet printer are not the sort of things we're looking for. :D

Finally, because of space and logistical constraints on the part of the con comm (we all have tiny apartments! and smallish cars!) we're also asking that donors be responsible for getting their donations to the hotel themselves. We will take responsibility for, and display, the items once you get here and the con begins.

So! If you have items you want to donate, please email me at and let me know what your item is, and you'll be hearing from me! Thank you!


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