Roommate Finder Post

Oct 06, 2014 13:42


Are you looking for a roommate for muskratjamboree 2015? Then this is the post for you!

Comment here if you're looking for someone to share your hotel room at the con! Remember, make sure to share personal information in email rather than in the comments here.

(Hotel information is right here!)

2015, roommates, admin

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Comments 60

pocketmouse October 7 2014, 02:13:29 UTC
ETA2: one potential roommate dropped out, so I'm back to looking for at least 1 more person.

I am looking for someone to room with! I am pretty easy to room with; I don't snore, I'm very quiet, and I spent the previous MJ I went to (the second one) sleeping in the closet, which says both more and less about me than you may think. I'll be getting into Boston on Thursday and leaving on Sunday; at the moment I'm planning on spending Thursday night at a hostel, as I don't expect many other people are getting in that early.

My email is pocketmouse.lj at gmail, and pocketmouse on twitter.


la_dissonance February 2 2015, 15:23:57 UTC
Hi! I know this comment is from forever ago, but if you still happen to be looking for one more roommate, I'd love to talk! My email is saebois at gmail, and I'm __clay on twitter.


pocketmouse February 3 2015, 01:16:37 UTC
Shit I am bad at updating things, room is full.


hockeysaurus October 15 2014, 14:34:56 UTC

I live pretty close to the hotel (like, 18 minutes walking) so if anyone wants to crash at my place -- i have booze and a really comfy couch!


feowyn November 6 2014, 08:51:39 UTC
Has someone already taken advantage of your generous offer of a sofa to stay on, or is it still up for grabs?


hockeysaurus November 7 2014, 21:08:50 UTC
hey hey! someone has, but I have a lot of floor space (air mattress?) and also a hammock if you need it :D


feowyn November 7 2014, 21:14:37 UTC
Hey! If you have room for me that would be amazing. I don't mind an air mattress, I can sleep just about anywhere! :D


grey_bard October 23 2014, 12:49:57 UTC
Hi, my roommate and I (RL roommate, not just con) and I were planning to make a mini vacation of it and come a few days early. I think we might have people to stay with during the con, but if anyone wants to come early too, let me know, because she would prefer not to have to switch to somewhere cheaper for those first few nights.


feowyn November 6 2014, 08:49:55 UTC

Desperately seeking roommates or someone to stay with for the con, and realising I should have done this much sooner. I'll either be arriving on Thursday or Friday (late afternoon or evening depending on flights) but I know for a fact I won't be flying home until some time on Monday (connections are terrible for Sunday flights for me). I wasn't sure whether people generally stayed on Sunday night so I thought I'd put that in to be sure.



pocketmouse January 7 2015, 19:45:50 UTC
I'm looking for people from Thursday-Sunday. Do you still need a room?


zvi_likes_tv January 9 2015, 01:29:56 UTC
Hey, I definitely need a room Friday and Saturday, not sure yet about Thursday or Sunday.


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