Oct 21, 2005 14:26
Wow. I just spent the last two hours or so picking up where I left off cleaning the apartment last night. Its amazing how much better the Juju is in here when there isn't crap piled up in the corners. We have so much floor space! I'm not quite done, I still need to wash a dish or two and take out the recycling, then its one last pass with the broom and maybe even the wet-jet and then on to the bathroom! The bathroom shouldn't take more than half an hour, though. I just need to wipe everything down and scrub the toilet. Man, I love this shit. I can finally take joy in cleaning the house because I know that its not just going to get dumped on by the rest of the family. I like cleaning because I'm cleaning up my OWN mess and making life better for me and Chance. If anyone out there is from a big family, you totally know what I'm talking about. Hooray for being domestic and independent!