Muskrat Ramblings
The Rules of Engagement
posted by John To answer the question "HEY, JOHN! HAVE YOU SEEN THE
Yes, I've seen it. Many, many times.
Many. :-)
Big thanks to all for passing the link along. I'd far rather be informed of something a few dozen times than not see it at all.
If you haven't seen or heard of it, it's a delightful Munchkin card that is getting play on, and has gone ever so slightly viral in geek circles:
I'm still not entirely sure of the name of the guy who printed it up, nor of the outcome (though I'm assuming all went well, as he decided to post the card and not, say, take his own life in an alcohol-fueled fit of despair).
But look, here's the thing:
remember the Dork Tower I did about YouTube commenters in particular, but all internet comment pages in general?
So. The majority of the comments under the story are great - positive, affirming, heppy, heppy comments. Of course, there's a grammar thread (really? REALLY?) and even a bit of a rules discussion (this IS
Munchkin, after all). So I probably should have stopped reading at that point.
And then I got to these gems:
January 11, 2011 at 9:57 pm
too long, didn’t read…
January 12, 2011 at 3:17 am
who is that card intended for ?
the bearer must get on “one’s” knee to ask for “your” hand in marriage and place the ring on “her” finger ???
the whole damn thing makes no sense whatsoever !
I suppose that's one great thing about idiots: they go so VERY far out of their way, to demonstrate that they are, in fact, idiots.
Speaking of
Munchkin (or, possibly, speaking of idiots (me)), I'm hard at work on another project that I'm not sure I can announce just yet. But here's a drawing from the set:
I can neither confirm nor deny that this drawing of a lady - with cats - will in the end be a Cat Lady card.
Muskrat out,
====== John