Today's Dork Tower is up...
Click here, there or anywhere to see it.
Of the three readers of this blog, perhaps one will get it. Which is OK by me. Seriously, I don't EVER want to know how I come up with stuff like this...
In the vocal stylings of "Alvin? ALVINNNN!"
Floodwaters breach Mississippi River levee: Muskrat holes blamed. ****
just in case you missed last night's insomniac post... ****
Was supposed to drive down to Wizard World Chicago today. Not sure if I'm feeling too sleepy now.
Speaking of conventions I'm not at...
robin_d_laws, he of
The Birds fame, and he whom I now hate because he's getting to go to Australia, dammit (All Cheese Twisties CAN be sent to: John Is A Shameless Beggar, Box 45063, Madison, WI 53711), shot some footage at last year's GenCon.
"If you were a sea creature, what kind of sea creature would you want to be?" he asked, apparently anticipating Barbara Walters' next prime-time special.
Anyway, he cornered three folks whom I consider good friends.
Apparently, I befriend people who have a thing for cephalopods...
(Some mildly NSFW language from...well, you guess who.)
Click to view
angusabranson Click to view
iamnikchick Click to view
Two more good friends, less octo-sessed.
princeofcairo Click to view
Michelle Nephew
Click to view
More pals can be found here.