Dork Tower, Monday, Jan. 28

Jan 28, 2008 13:24

...and Friday, Jan. 25, since I was away, having an amazing time at Warpcon, and couldn't post the linkkies here..

Much Warpconniness to talk about. Particularly geeked out about meeting Jervis Johnson, he who created mother-flippin' BLOOD BOWL (and much other Games Workshoppy goodness).

But now, must collapse in a heap after waking up at 5 am to catch a plane at 7 am, and then sitting IN said plane on the tarmac for two hours because of fog at Heathrow.

Anyhoo, yeah, Warpcon rocks. Again.

The sound you now hear is me collapsing.

dork tower, games workshop, warpcon, blood bowl

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