Anyone who was at Spiel/Essen who has any photos of the signings or stuff I did otherwise want to post them here or send them to me, or at least let me know where I can link to some?
I'm working up the blog entry about the trip, but I never got a chance to take a single shot while in Germany.
Eight hours a day drawing on blank Munchkin cards can do that to you...
Speaking or Europe...
I'm banging down plans for Dorkstocktork UK (at London's fab
Dragonmeet again, in just a few weeks) and the very first Dorkstock Ireland (at the ever-brilliant
Warpcon in January, 'natch. Hey! Look! They already
listed me as a guest! Coolio. And Jervis Johnson will be there too! Double coolio.)
Here are some of the games I'll be bringing. Am I forgetting anything important?
Apples to Apples British Isles Edition (Out of the Box)
Cineplexity (Out of the Box)
Party Pooper (Out of the Box)
Cloud 9 (Out of the Box)
Gold Digger (Out of the Box)
Snorta (Out of the Box)
Blink (Out of the Box)
Pepper (Out of the Box)
10 Days in Europe (Out of the Box)
10 Days in Africa (Out of the Box)
10 Days in Asia (Out of the Box)
10 Days in the USA (Out of the Box)
Mag Blast 3rd Edition (Fantasy Flight)
My Dwarves Fly (Pegasus)
Dork Tower (Steve Jackson Games)
Chez Dork (Steve Jackson Games)
Various Munchkins (Steve Jackson Games)
Various Ches Geeks (Steve Jackson Games)
Kobolds Ate My Baby (Dork Storm Press)
Dungeonville (Z-Man)
Creatures and Cultists (Eos)
Not to mention some cool new prototypes.
Plus there'll be the compulsory Igor Bar bake-offs, of well as a few (not many - basically what I can fit in my bag) Dorkstock t-shirts.
Anything folks want to play but isn't listed? Is there anything I'm missing?
Seriously, I've illustrated too damn many games.
Speaking of Missing...
Having missed my own damn con,
Dorkstock 5.5, at Rock-Con, I hearby swear to make Dorkstock 6, next November, the best darn Dorkstock I possibly can.
Speaking of Damn...
Could someone with Wiki-fu please get that damn picture of me off
my Wikipedia entry? Seriously. There's got to be something at least half-decent of me somewhere around the place. And I can't compete with my
ex-girlfriend's entry if I'm looking like a total lemon and not, say, someone cool and devilishly attractive like
Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords...