Feb 10, 2007 17:21
SSo I thought I'd post because today I was minding my own business, eating crackers and cheese in the kitchen, when all of a sudden I hear sheep. TWO of them. NAd they seem to have cowbells or something around their necks, because I can hear them too!
And in the end it turns out to be this new Cd my mom bought, with nature sounds and soothing harps. Very New-Agey. I freaked out at the sheep though.
And in other news, yours truly is now the newest employee of Safeway! Woot Woot!
I will be working at the same location as our dear friend Bronwyn, after 17 hours of training and the like.
I am excited for the newfound moneyflow!
Grommit, have you been feeling a bit peckish lately?