Name: Serge Battour
Age: SH-16 KKU-13-16
Birthdate: SH - 16 March 1994 KKU- March 1867
Birthplace: Tyrol (which was a country during the time KazeKi is set, but is now part of Austria)
Languages spoken: French (native), English (fluent), Latin, German, a little bit of Italian
Bloodtype: blue
Height: Varies. I'd guess he's about 5'9"/5'10" at his tallest.
Weight: Also varies
Dominant Hand: Right
Hair: Dark brown and curly
Eyes: Brown (although, confusingly, they're described as grey at one point although never drawn as such)
Skin: Somewhat dark, enough to draw attention to himself among victorian aristiocracy, at least.
Other features:
Occupation: Student
Residence: A big-ass mansion in Paris
Childhood: Pretty much the same in canon and SH: Lived in Tyrol with his parents until they died (when Serge was about 3/4 years old) then moved to Paris to live with his paternal grandparents
Educational background: Homeshcooled as a child (in both SH and canon), In canon he was privately educated as a teenager but dropped out of school when he was 15.
Religious background: Catholic
Political background: uhh...I have no idea.
Financial background: He's pretty damn rich.
Proud of:
Greatest lessons:
Driving force(s): His father, mostly
Ambitions: To be a pianist
Currently wants: Gilbert to love him.
Currently needs:
Life philosophy:
Self image:
Dominant character traits:
Myers-Briggs group:
Alignment: Neutral Good
Learning style:
Optimist/pessimist: Optimist
Tense/relaxed: Tense
Serious/carefree: Appears/Tries to be carefree, but is actually more serious
Leader/follower: Leader
Fight/flight: Fight
Methods of coping:
Amused by:
Saddened by:
Angered by: Bigotry
Shocked by:
Offended by:
Annoyed by/pet peeves:
Frightened by:
Physical strengths:
Physical weaknesses:
Mental strengths:
Mental weaknesses:
Emotional strengths:
Emotional weaknesses:
How strong are their opinions?
How forceful are they about them?
Controversial opinions:
Thoughts on romance/sex: He's a bit of a romantic. He seems to have no interest in sex without a strong emotional connection (to the point where he almost feels guilty for experiencing attraction to someone he doesn't love)
Thoughts on drinking/drugs: Well, the French, as a culture, tent to me more leniant towards alcohol, so he has drank before. I don't see him ever willingly taking illegal drugs.
The best thing they or another person could possibly do:
The worst thing that they or another person could possibly do:
Hobbies: playing piano
Books: Classic sci-fi (he's a fan of Jules Verne in canon, apparently)
Music: Classical, piano-heavy pieces
Things to watch (TV, theatre, etc.):
Academic subject: Music. And anything to do with languages or linguistics.
Sport/game: Horseriding and Fencing (yes, he's very posh)
Least favorite...
Things to watch (TV, theatre, etc.):
Academic subject:
Sport/game: He likes them all, I think
Spends money on:
Daily rituals:
Dress (style, colors): He tends to be quite smartly dressed.
Scents (shampoo/cologne/lotion/etc.):
Eating habits: Fairly normal, I think.
Speech patterns: Well spoken and generally polite. Nothing terribly unusual.
Cute quirks:
Bad habits: Losing his temper. Smoking
Nervous tendencies:
Most important people: Gilbert, his parents, Angeline
Love interest(s): Gilbert
Lust interest(s): Gilbert, again. Patricia, in canon.
Close friends:
Other friends: everyone Reira, Miwako
Acquaintances: Mitsuki
Disliked people: Auguste.
Enemies: None
Family members: Aslan Battour (father - deceased), Paiva Battour (mother - deceased), Joseph Battour (grandfather - deceased), Unnamed Grandmother (deceased), Angeline Carlisle-Madison (cousin), Aunt (whose name might be Elizabeth, but I'm not sure)
Family history:
Relationship with family:
Future family (kids etc.): In canon he apparently married a woman named Irene who looked like Gilbert, but it didn't work out.
Kinsey rating: 2-3
Marital Status: Single
Romantic/sexual history:
Turn-ons: He seems to like people who are assertive, or even forceful. Also he has a thing about people with nice hands for some reason. Blond hair is a plus.
Treats people:
Likes in a person:
Dislikes in a person:
Wants to be seen as: Himself, rather than the (somewhat clashing) stereotypes associated with his heritage.
Advice that you, the mun, would give them:
Would they get along with you? He tends to get along with everybody, so probably.
The most awesome thing they've done:
The time you wanted to slap them the most:
What would be the most awesome AU ever for them?
Boxers or briefs? erm..idk. In canon he probably wears crazy Victorian-era underwear
If they were in a 70s shoujo manga, how much would they sparkle? He is from a 70s shoujo manga. I'd describe his sparkle level as 'moderate'
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