French Translation Help

Jan 16, 2009 14:05

So I am doing a few songs in french for my recital, and I am working on the idiomatic translation... And well I could use some help. I have it translated, but I'm not sure how to make it sound less awkward...

Here is the original (please note, some of it is early french as the song dates 1733)

A l’Amour rendez les armes,
Donnez lui tous vos moments!
Chérissez jusqu’à ses larmes,
Ses alarmes ont des charmes,
Tout est doux pour les amants.

La tranquille indifférence
N’a que d’ennuyeux plaisirs.
Mais quels biens l’Amour dispense
Pour prix des premiers soupirs!
Il fait naître l’espérance
Aussi tôt que les désirs.

My translation:
To Love return the weapons,
Give him all your moments!
Cherish until its tears,
Its alarm have charms,
All is soft for the lovers.

The quiet indifference
Has only boring pleasures.
But which goods Love exempts
For price of the first sighs!
It let hope be born
Also early as the desires.

Any help, gladly accepted.


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