Hi 2006

Jan 01, 2006 18:36

So it's 2006, finally. My New Years was okay. I went out to eat with Cameron, and then we hung out at his house and waited for Bekah and Izzy to get there. Once they got there we all went to Brandon Reynolds for his party, which was really cool, it was a great party. I wish I was better at pool though lol. I just really hate New Years. All the teens went to the upstairs living room for the countdown, and it was the weirdest feeling ever. Everyone was just absolutely screaming the countdown, and I felt like everything was in slowmotion. I remember looking up and down the line of us, all arm in arm, and like, I was invincible. And when the countdown was over, everyone just started jumping and hugging everyone and kissing, and yelling. Such a weird feeling, I felt like I wasn't even there, and like I was watching everyone be happy. A little bit before that, Jay called and offered to pick me up, he is so amazing for that. It was like 2 minutes past midnight when he got there, I just couldn't wait to leave. No offense to anyone, I spent New Years with some of my best friends in the whole world, and the party was great, but I just had to get out of there. I ended up spending the night with jay, or well he took me home around 4. He was the only good thing about my night, and the only person who made me smile, like really smile. I love him.

Today I haven't done anything, I was running around all night so I was really tired and slept in til 2. And even after I woke up I didn't do anything, I have just been laying around the house. Jay might be going to the docter tomorrow so if he does that I'll be going with him, but other than that I have nothing to do so give me a call or leave a comment or something if you want to hang out. That would be great.

Oh yeah, and we go back to school on Tuesday. Even though I hate school, I am kind of ready to go back. I am so ready for our choralier competitions, I am going to put so much freaking effort into it. Man, I am so pumped for it, I can't freakin wait! I don't think we will do as good as we did last year, cause our show isn't as entertaining, but I think we are really good this year.

Well Happy New Years to you all, hope you had a good one.
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