Another day. . .

Apr 29, 2005 12:59

Justin didn't go to work today. So we're just chillin' at home. Tonight is going to be fun! There's another party that our friend Raphael is holding at the VFW hall. It was fun last friday. I hope it'll be the same tonight. I'm wearing my red birthday dress. The party has a dress code, guys must wear nice clothing, slacks and suits, and ladies can wear whatever they like, but it's dress to impress. I was wondering why Amber and them didn't come last Friday, as it turns out, they didn't feel the need to support Raphael on his business because he had disappeared for a while and now he's calling cause he needs something. It is kinda shady, but what are you gonna do. So I'm going to get my nails done and clean the house. Can't lie around all day. Last night, I freaked out cause Justin was home late. I was asleep and woke up around midnight after a bad dream and couldn't get a hold of Justin so I freeked. I called his phone like 50 times! Finally I started driving around to find him. Then he called me back and said he was already home. I cried. A lot. So I slept in the living room. Hate that floor. Made him breakfast this morning. Bacon and eggs. Let you know how tonight turns out! Bye!

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