May 02, 2003 00:35
Got to Mission, started warming up and doing scenes. This whole week it has been seperate rehersals between us newbies and the old guys. So during the beginning of our scenes the doors of the room bust open and the rest of the troupe busts in. Not a rare occurance mind you. But JD was dressed up like a ghost and all of a sudden water balloons and silly string come blasting at us out of no where.
The all ran out after properly soaking us, and dropped a big package in the middle of the room.
It contained 300 fliers and a note.
The note was the beginning of a scavanger hunt.
It was so fun, we were lead all around campus flyering on the way looking for clues that would lead us to the next one.
Eventually we were given John's keys and went to the Lodge.
At the Lodge we were met with something sketchy. We walked upstairs and Wings were being delivered (not for us) and we knew something sketchy was going on. First of all the other car hadn't arrived. When we went upstairs we expected to see them. No avail. It was weird that they were't there yet.
Then all the old Missioners were like "Oh they are outside let's go get em with waterballoons."
Of course they were't really outside and just ended up cornering Amy and me in the bathroom as we got soaked.
Eventually after a mix up the other Newbies arrived and there was a mini revolution.
I had a lot of fun, and my night was happy.
Oh! We also went bowling after! It was good times with good people.
I missed a really great phone call two nights in a row.