Title: What’s Important
Prompt: Busy
Rating: G
Summary: Ron reminds Hermione what’s important
A/N: written for
rhr100 “Mummy?”
“Not now Rose, Mummy’s busy.”
“But -"
“I said - not now. Please, go find your father.”
“Hermione?” This time it was Ron who interrupted.
“Damn it Ron! I said I’m -”
“Busy, we know. But this is important.”
Hermione finally looked up from her work to find Ron standing holding their daughter, who was trying not to cry. In her chubby little hand she held a drawing that said ‘To Mummy’.
“Hey Rosie, let me see what you’ve got there.” As Rose proudly shared her artwork with her mother, Hermione met Ron’s eyes and mouthed a silent “Thank you.”