Connected (NC-17)

Feb 08, 2010 11:49

Title: Connected
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Ron/Hermione
Word Count: ~9,300
Warnings (if any): Strong Sexual Content and Language (it is Ron and Hermione after all)
Summary: Ron and Hermione have always shared a special bond, now their connection is complete.
Author's notes: Written for hp_canon_fest as a gift for lillywmw , who requested a detailed scene from ( Read more... )

nc-17, ron/hermione

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Comments 27

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musings_by_mama February 8 2010, 17:28:46 UTC
Thank you so much! It gave me fits to write, I must confess, so I'm glad to know it's being enjoyed!


lauryne78 February 8 2010, 17:49:40 UTC
Oh I *knew* this was yours!! I haven't commented over at the fest yet (I don't think I have memory's a bit full of late), but I absolutely LOVED this piece. It was hot and also really deeply emotional, and you really showed the depth of their *connection* well!!

I loved the sweetness of it that shone through, and I'm a sucker for Australia-fic as well, so this really hit all of my favorite buttons!!

Great job!!


musings_by_mama February 11 2010, 17:32:09 UTC
Thanks again! I like the idea of them finally exploring them and being alone in Australia is the perfect setting for that!


honourweasley12 February 8 2010, 19:48:17 UTC
I'm sure you saw my comment, but I wanted to tell you again how much I truly loved this story. The characterizations and emotions were just perfect for such a significant point in their relationship. The story itself was funny, loving, and hot. Brilliant work, my friend!

I can't thank you enough for once again helping me with my writing. I'm forever in your debt!! :)


musings_by_mama February 11 2010, 17:38:16 UTC

You really are too sweet!

So, could you tell it was me this time? ;)


honourweasley12 February 12 2010, 05:41:12 UTC
This was one of my absolute favourites of the fest; you deserve heaps of praise for this wonderful piece!

LOL, I definitely didn't guess this was yours. There were so many stories that I gave up trying to figure out who wrote what, unless it was extremely obvious to me. *cough* redheadsarehot *cough* :D


blackhawk_13 February 8 2010, 23:36:10 UTC
WOW!!! That was f***ing amazing! Sexy and sweet at the same time.


musings_by_mama February 11 2010, 17:39:45 UTC
YAY! Thanks so much, glad you liked it!

Relief to get my 'first-time' over with :D

I expect you at hp_canon_fest next year!


blackhawk_13 February 11 2010, 18:51:18 UTC
Next year? It takes a whole year to get to write at canon fest?


mugglemama February 13 2010, 15:40:01 UTC
Most exchange communities are once a year fests, for example hp_porninthesun or weasley_fest are every summer.

This was the first ever hp_canon_fest and we envisioned it as a once a year fest. Although... we are considering sponsoring something more this summer - so keep an eye out!


internetmama February 9 2010, 03:50:59 UTC
Brilliant work. I loved how there was gentle hesitation ("Is this alright?") and confusion ("More what?"), just like a first time would be... Ron's thoughts were beautifully IC, especially how they were simultaneously sweet and sex-crazed. Hermione was wonderful too -- the bit with her slowly exploring his scars and torso was lovely. I've read an embarrassing amount of post-DH first-time fics, and this is one of the very best. Cheers.


musings_by_mama February 11 2010, 17:40:56 UTC
Oh my, what wonderful praise! Thanks so much, I really appreciate your generous words!


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