Title: Life's Checklist
Prompt: "When you're a kid, they tell you it's all 'Grow up. Get a job. Get married. Get a house. Have a kid. And that's it.' But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker. And so much madder. And so much better."; First Person POV
Rating: R
Word Count: 499
Summary: Ron pauses to reflect on his life
A/N: Winner Challenge 7, Round 1 of
Shit, this tie’s uncomfortable.
It’s been ages since I’ve worn one. Leave it to Percy to make us keep on our dress robes on the hottest day of the year.
Could be worse. Perce’s new wife, the former Audrey MacKenzie, originally wanted us groomsmen to wear kilts.
Even Percy wouldn’t cave to that plan.
Scary enough, Hermione seemed chuffed at the idea -- I’ll have to file that nugget away for another day. Judging by the look in her eye when I told her about it, I think she might be harboring some sort of secret Highlander fantasy. Sure, I’ll wear a kilt for her in private -- just not in front of every bleeding Weasley in Britain.
Dammit! Here comes another relative whose name I don’t remember. Wonderful. Another chance to have the same effing conversation.
Yes, I have grown since you last saw me.
No, not married yet.
Yup, still renting a flat in London.
Yes, that is Harry Potter.
It’s barmy how everyone’s so bloody interested in when I’m going to tick off another mark on the Great To-Do List of Life.
It’s been the same thing since I was a kid. Everyone telling me 'Grow up. Get a job. Get married. Get a house. Have a kid.’ And that's it, as if doing all that is the secret to life.
But that’s not all there is. Things aren’t that simple and they sure as hell aren’t that boring.
The truth is, the world is so much stranger than the things on some checklist. It's so much darker. And so much madder. And damned if it isn’t so much better.
How do I know all this? Because I’ve seen more crazy dark shit than most of these wedding guests combined. I’ve been tormented by a piece of old Voldy’s soul, witnessed a madwoman torture the love of my life, seen my brother die.
I also know how wonderful the world can be, despite its madness.
And that’s mostly because of Hermione.
For some reason she seems to love me as much as I love her. I fall asleep with her in my arms every night, wake up to her everyday, make love to her as often as I can. Don’t get me wrong we still row -- probably always will. Still, I know when I’m ready for the whole marriage-house-kids thing, it will be with her. Strangely enough, she feels the same.
But we’re not ready to tick off all the boxes on Life’s Checklist just yet. We are, however, ready to enjoy life -- to live a little. We’re barely in our twenties for fuck’s sake.
Here comes Hermione now. Damn, she looks good; red is definitely her colour. I wonder ...
“Hey, Beautiful, nice dress.” I kiss her and whisper, so Great Aunt What’s-Her-Name can’t hear, “Do your knickers match?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she responds, before turning to introduce herself to the old crone at my side.
Cor, I love this woman!