New Year's Eve Survey

Dec 31, 2010 23:13

So, for the . . . what, 3rd? year in a row, I give you this New Year survey. Enjoy.

1. Will you be looking for a new job?
Yes, but after a year of unemployment, it's getting more and more difficult.

2. Will you be looking for a new relationship?
Nope. I have an awesome one thanks.

3. New house?
Yep, in a new town too! But not till the end of the year.

4. What will you do different in 2011?
A lot.

5. New Years resolution?
Still working on that.

6. What will you not be doing in 2011?
Hopefully letting my depression/anxiety disorders own me.

7. Any trips planned?
Hopefully at least a couple with my boyfriend.

8. Wedding plans?
I'm so excited to actually say YES to this question!!!

9. What's on your calendar?
A psychiatrist appointment.

10. What can't you wait for?
My appointment, getting engaged, my wedding.

11. What would you like to see happen differently?
A lot of things. Mostly I want to stop letting my depression/anxiety control me. I want to beat it.

12. What about yourself will you be changing?
Hopefully everything.

13. What happened in '10 that you didn't think would ever happen?
I met and fell in love with an absolutely incredible man.

14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about?
I'm already pretty nice to them.

15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 10?
Hopefully I'll lose some weight and be able to wear nicer things, and own more than like one pair of jeans.

16. Will you start or quit drinking?
None of the above.

17. Will you have better relationship with your family?
I don't know, honestly.

18. Will you do charity work?
If I have the opportunity but probably not.

19. Will you go to bars?

20. Will you be nice to people you don't know?
Unless they aren't nice to me.

21. Do you expect 2011 to be a good year for you?
YES. 2009 and 2010 were both horrible, so I think I'm due for a good year. Plus, knowing I'm about to get real help and having Corey in my life are bound to make it at least a decent year.

22. How much did you change from this time last year till now?
I feel like I don't know myself well enough to answer this question. I don't know that I've changed, but my life certainly has. Last New Year's Eve I wanted to die, this year I'm spending it away from Flagstaff with the love of my life.

23. Do you plan on having a child?
Absolutely not.

24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?
Most likely.

25. Major lifestyle changes?
Everything, hopefully.

26. Will you be moving?
Yes. But not until the end of the year, after the wedding.

27. What will you make sure doesn't happen in 2011 that happened in '10?
I am NOT going to let my depression and my anxiety own me. I am NOT going to let the disorders control me or my life. I am going to be happy. I am going to accomplish things.

28. What are your New Years Eve plans?
I'm hanging out with my boyfriend and future sister in law in Chinle.

29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight?
:) Yes. Most certainly.

30. Wish for 2011:
To get help. To marry Corey. To finally be happy with my life.
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