PLAY;; James Potter [stagginurparty] = open

Jul 17, 2009 16:02

LILY. LIIIIIIIIIIIIIILYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Okay, so. I know you said I was never to sing again, as it was too reminiscent of cats being mauled by manticores stomping on a field of out of tune accordians. BUT I have found a new way to show my undying love for you. I HAVE WRITTEN YOU A STORY!!! A-A-A-AHEM.

To Correctly Hex

James and Lily were celebrating a bent Valentine's Day together. James had cooked an adorkable dinner and they ate under the tree by candlelight.

"My darling," Lily said, stroking James's toe, "I have something for you." She gave a box to James. "It is but a majestic token of my hilarious love."

James opened the box. Inside was a studious owl! He gazed at it easily. Then he gazed at Lily easily. "It's freckled," James said. "Come here and let me hex you."

Just then, a loving crone sprang out of hiding and cackled like constellations on a clear summer night. "Your happiness will not last!" she said in a gingery voice and dropped a piece of paper onto the dinner table.

Lily read it. "It's a page from a diary. It says that you're my brother."

They stared at each other carefully as the crone cackled some more. James's nose began to tremble. Then Lily shrugged, pulled out a cauldron, and hit the crone on her hair. She fell over dead.

"Problem solved!" James said and kissed Lily perfectly. "This is a marauding Valentine's Day!"

They stagly burned the diary page in the candle and never told another soul.

And then they hexed each other all night long.

What do you think? Huh?

[canon] harry potter, james potter, *play

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